
The links below are to sources of support which you may find useful. They are suggestions for you to use at your discretion, as ODBE does not have any responsibility for the content of these sites.

  • RE Today: Providers of publications for all ages
  • NATRE: National Association of Teachers of RE
  • Real People, Real Faith: A series of films featuring members of a wide range of rlgious traditions, answering age-appropare questions for KS1, KS2 and KS3
  • RE Quest: A comprehensive resource for Christianity with clips, animations and background information
  • RE Online: Covering all faiths and some non-religious world views, there are links to many resources and current thinking about RE
  • RE Definitions: an app and online glossary of religious terms
  • BBC - My Life, My religion features young people talking about their faiths. Other programmes are available from the BBC
  • REQM: The RE Quality Mark website
  • Heart of Hinduism: A comprehensive resource covering many aspects of Hindu belief and practice
  • Sikhiwiki: The Encyclomedia of the Sikhs
  • Judiasm 101: Lots of information about Judaism
  • Jewish Museum London - online information about Judaism, school visits and courses for teachers
  • Islamkids: Aimed at the Muslim community, this site shows what many Muslims aim to teach their children about Islam
  • Buddhanet - this site has a wide range of information about Buddhism and some downloadable resources
  • Books at Press: Resources for EYFS
  • Understanding Christianity: A  new resource from the Church of England and RE today - Training required. See our website for further details
  • TrueTube: A website with films, animations and interactive activities covering a range of religions and suitable for EYFS through to Y13
  • Westminster Abbey: a range of resources for primary and secondary schools covering a wide range of Christian topics
  • Understanding Humanism: a wider range of resources for teaching one of the non-religious worldviews
  • Exploring Secularism: a resource to help teachers and pupils understanding secularism

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