
If your child has been refused a place at a school, you are entitled to lodge an appeal.  For Voluntary Aided schools and academies you must contact the Headteacher or Chair of Governors for an Appeal Form. Once returned to the school your appeal will be set up by the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education. 

If you have been refused a place at a Voluntary Controlled school you must contact the Appeals Office at the local authority. Should you wish to pursue an appeal then you must, in the first instance, contact the admissions authority (the School or Academy).

If you have been offered a place at another school then please take the time to visit that school, you may find that it meets all your child's needs and you would be happy for them to go to that school.

The documents listed below give a wide range of advice on the process of appeal and the issues that are involved.

School Admission Appeals timetable 2024-25

Decision Making in Infant Class Size Appeals 2023

DfE School Admission Appeals code 

ODBE Admissions guidance 2023-24

ACE Appealing for a School: a practical guide to parents' legal rights

LGO Infant class size fact sheet

Appeal form with waiver 2021

For further information contact

Gordon Joyner - Deputy Director

email Gordon Joyner 

Page last updated: Thursday 18th April 2024 2:10 PM
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