Headteacher Appraisal

The governing board has a statutory duty to ensure that an appraisal policy is adopted and reviewed each year. As part of this policy, a panel of 2-3 governors will be appointed by the full governing board as reviewers for the headteacher's performance. The governing board has a duty to appoint an external adviser to advise and support in relation to the appraisal of the headteacher. An ODBE adviser can act as this role to facilitate the process and offer professional guidance. It is recommended that the governor appraisers undertake relevant training also offered by ODBE.

The formal review of the 2023-2024 objectives must take place by the 31st December 2024.

The ODBE appraisal service includes:

  • Preparation for the review meeting by our adviser looking at the self-review form and evidence made available and at the school data,
  • 3 consecutive meetings to review performance and set new objectives – as described above,
  • Drafting of the review statement report and the new objectives for governors to finalise with the headteacher.

You can purchase this complete service for £675 (+VAT) by contacting Tracy Makin 01865 208242 or email Tracy Makin.  An invoice will be raised and sent to the school once your appraisal date is confirmed.  Please note the service is typically offered through online meetings, however, face-to-face meetings may be arranged which will be subject to a carbon offset charge.

If you are considering appraisal for a new headteacher please mention this to Tracy when you contact her as this has a lower cost.

Page last updated: Monday 12th August 2024 11:08 AM
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